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CALL US: +264 81 202 9521

M and T Concept Drawings

Better and affordable options to select from M and T Building and Painting Contractors
Plot and Plan prices for these development were calculated on a 450m² erf, but the designs can also be customized to suit your needs. If you choose us, the cost of the architect is ours.

Available Concept Drawings

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The prices below are per house type including the erf price of 450m². (Excluding all other costs).

MT01 N$ 1 803 600
MT02 N$ 1 826 100
MT03 N$ 1 826 100
MT04 N$ 1 855 350
MT05 N$ 1 973 100
MT06 N$ 1 973 850
MT07 N$ 1 982 100
MT08 N$ 1 982 100
MT09 N$ 1 987 350
MT10 N$ 1 988 100

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